HID Report Descriptor Macros

In the tutorial’s Modifying the HID Report Descriptor section the example code changed individual bytes in the report descriptor. In many cases, particular where a new device needs to be supported, a more readable approach is to replace the report descriptor wholesale. For this, udev-hid-bpf provides a series of helper macros, see the hid_report_helpers.h. source file.

These macros are styled in the output format of hid-recorder.

Below is an annotated extract of an example report descriptor:

static const __u8 fixed_rdesc_vendor[] = {
        UsagePage_Digitizers                 // <- set usage page to Digitizer
        Usage_Dig_Digitizer                  // <- set usage ID to Digitizer (page: Digitizer)
        CollectionApplication(               // <- Start an Application Collection
                // -- Byte 0 in report
                Usage_Dig_Stylus             // <- set usage ID to Stylus (page: Digitizer)
                        // -- Byte 1 in report
                        Input(Var|Abs)       // <- Input field, abs values
                        Input(Const)         // <- Input field, const (i.e. padding)
                        // ... many more fields omitted ...
                FixedSizeVendorReport(11)    // <- see "Enforcing the right HID Report size"
        )                                    // <- closes the Application Collection

This report descriptor can then be used to wholesale replace the device’s report descriptor:

int BPF_PROG(my_rdesc_fixup, struct hid_bpf_ctx *hctx)
      __u8 *data = hid_bpf_get_data(hctx, 0 /* offset */, HID_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE /* size */);

      if (!data)
              return 0; /* EPERM check */

      __builtin_memcpy(data, fixed_rdesc_vendor, sizeof(fixed_rdesc_vendor));
      return sizeof(fixed_rdesc_vendor);

This approach is particularly useful where the device sends all events in a HID Vendor Collection that would otherwise be ignored by the kernel. By overwriting the HID report descriptor with one that identifies the various components of the HID report it may be possible to make the device work without having to change the actual HID reports in the BPF program.

Enforcing the right HID Report size

However there is a drawback: the kernel discards any any HID reports that are larger than the largest report in the HID report descriptor. Thus a modified HID Report Descriptor must include at least one HID Report that is (at least) the same size as the largest report in the original HID Report Descriptor.

In other words, if the original HID Report Descriptor describes three reports of sizes 8, 16 and 20 the fixed HID Report Descriptor must include at least one report that is of size 20.

This can easily be achieved with the FixedSizeVendorReport(len) helper macro as shown above. This macro will add one additional vendor-specific HID Report to the HID Report Descriptor with the given size in bytes. This HID Report will be ignored by the kernel but guarantees HID reports are not immediately discarded before the BPF program gets to look at them. The FixedSizeVendorReport(len) macro must not be used more than once per report descriptor and should not be larger than necessary to avoid unnecessary buffer allocations in the kernel.