Installing BPFs from our CI

“CI” refers to Continuous Integration, a setup that builds and tests our code on every change. Each such build and test sequence is referred to as a “pipeline” and you can see all our past piplines here. A pipeline consists of several “jobs” and jobs may produce downloadable packages that are referred to as “artifacts”. Our CI configuration is in our repository’s .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Our CI produces artifacts for each merge request that contain a pre-compiled udev-hid-bpf and BPFs that can be immediately used and tested without the need to clone the repository and build udev-hid-bpf itself. Using those is the quickest way to test a suggested fix for your device. If instead you want to build everything locally, please see Getting started.

Downloading and installing pre-compiled packages

Select the corresponding merge request and click on the “view exposed artifact link” to expand the corresponding section:


Then click on the link named “udev-hid-bpf release build for testing” and download the tarball:


Open a terminal and navigate to the path you downloaded the tarball too, e.g. ~/Downloads/ and unpack it:

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ tar xf udev-hid-bpf.tar.xz
$ cd udev-hid-bpf-*/

The tarball provides a simple script that will install everything for you. This script provides a --dry-run option to only print what it’s about to do:

$ ./ --dry-run
--dry-run given, nothing will be installed and no command is run
Using sudo to install files into /usr/local. You may be asked for your password now
sudo install -D -t /usr/local/lib/firmware/hid/bpf /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/lib/firmware/hid/bpf/0020-Huion__Kamvas-Pro-19.bpf.o
sudo install -D -t /usr/local/lib/firmware/hid/bpf /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/lib/firmware/hid/bpf/0019-Huion__Kamvas-Pro-19.bpf.o
sudo install -D -t /usr/local/lib/firmware/hid/bpf /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/lib/firmware/hid/bpf/0020-XPPen__ArtistPro16Gen2.bpf.o
sudo install -D -t /usr/local/lib/firmware/hid/bpf /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/lib/firmware/hid/bpf/0019-XPPen__ArtistPro16Gen2.bpf.o
sudo install -D -t /usr/local/lib/firmware/hid/bpf /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/lib/firmware/hid/bpf/0010-Huion__KeydialK20.bpf.o
sudo install -D -t /usr/local/lib/firmware/hid/bpf /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/lib/firmware/hid/bpf/0009-Huion__KeydialK20.bpf.o
sudo install -D -t /usr/local/lib/firmware/hid/bpf /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/lib/firmware/hid/bpf/0010-TUXEDO__Sirius-16-Gen1-and-Gen2.bpf.o
sudo install -D -t /usr/local/lib/firmware/hid/bpf /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/lib/firmware/hid/bpf/0009-TUXEDO__Sirius-16-Gen1-and-Gen2.bpf.o
sudo install -D -m 644 -t /etc/udev/rules.d /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/_inst/etc/udev/rules.d/81-hid-bpf.rules
sudo install -D -m 644 -t /etc/udev/rules.d /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/lib/udev/rules.d/81-hid-bpf.rules
sudo install -D -m 644 -t /etc/udev/hwdb.d /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/_inst/etc/udev/hwdb.d/81-hid-bpf-testing.hwdb
sudo install -D -t /usr/local/bin/ /home/user/Downloads/udev-hid-bpf_2.1.0-20240704-106-gc9dbf3273ad8/bin/udev-hid-bpf
sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo systemd-hwdb update

Note will install all BPF files. To only install specific files please edit the script and remove or comment out the lines corresponding to the other bpf files.

And if you’re happy with the list of files then run the script:

$ ./
Using sudo to install files into /usr/local. You may be asked for your password now
$ tree /usr/local/lib/firmware
└── hid
    └── bpf
        ├── 0009-TUXEDO__Sirius-16-Gen1-and-Gen2.bpf.o
        ├── 0010-Huion__KeydialK20.bpf.o
        ├── 0010-TUXEDO__Sirius-16-Gen1-and-Gen2.bpf.o
        ├── 0019-Huion__Kamvas-Pro-19.bpf.o
        ├── 0019-XPPen__ArtistPro16Gen2.bpf.o
        ├── 0020-Huion__Kamvas-Pro-19.bpf.o
        └── 0020-XPPen__ArtistPro16Gen2.bpf.o

Once installed, replug the device and the new BPF should be loaded automatically. If the BPF loads correctly it will show up in /sys:

$ sudo tree /sys/fs/bpf/hid/
├── 0003_256C_006B_0017
│   └── 0010-Huion__Kamvas_Pro_19_bpf
│       └── huion_Kamvas_pro_19
├── 0003_256C_006B_0018
│   └── 0010-Huion__Kamvas_Pro_19_bpf
│       └── huion_Kamvas_pro_19
└── 0003_256C_006B_0019
    └── 0010-Huion__Kamvas_Pro_19_bpf
        └── huion_Kamvas_pro_19

The above output shows that we have a USB (0003) device with the vendor/product ID 256C and 006B that exports three HID devices sequentially numbered 17, 18, 19 (those numbers increase on every unplug). Each of those HID devices as one BPF object loaded (0010-Huion__Kamvas_Pro_19_bpf) and those objects install one function pointer table each (grep for HID_BPF_OPS in our BPF source files if you’re interested).

The script will also install udev-hid-bpf itself (required as it is invoked by the installed udev rule). The default prefix is /usr/local and all files will be installed under that prefix. The exception are udev rules which will be installed in /etc.

Keep the directory around until testing is complete, you can uninstall it all with:

$ ./ --dry-run
$ ./

As above, using --dry-run first will list all files that are to be removed. If there are an files you want to keep, simply edit the script accordingly.

Finding previous artifacts

If the merge request pipeline is re-triggered after a code update the newly generated artifact will be available by following the same links. To re-retreive a tarball from an earlier pipeline please click on the Pipelines tab and select the make release:archive entry from the corresponding pipeline’s downloads:


This will download an that contains the udev-hid-bpf.tar.xz tarball as above.